CashFX is definitely an MLM company. When you deposit your money 70% goes to your trading account and 30% funds the MLM incentive scheme. The only way to get any return on the 30% is to recruit other people. There is a complicated incentive scheme that I will not go into here but I do know for sure that you greatly increase your returns by recruiting other people.
The company gives you resources and you will find that people who are recruiting for CashFX use sales language that is typical for scams or hustles of various sorts. This is typically positive motivational psychology type of language such as you must take risks to get ahead, there’s no point standing on the sidelines, take control of your own future, it’s a no-brainer, ignore the negative people, gain the things you truly deserve and so on. A lot of this stuff is very good but it is definitely not normal to promote investment in this way, although it does work in a MLM situation where people need to be convinced about the legitimacy of what is going on.
The marketing information says that this is a truly passive investment and you have to do absolutely nothing at all. That is true but you will come under huge pressure to do recruiting, and by doing recruiting you will greatly increase your returns.