Whats the Academy about?

The cash FX website emphasises the training Academy. The training Academy is essentially some videos that you can watch for your own learning about Forex trading. However the marketing material is very clear that they are selling a passive investment package. You have to do nothing at all, leverage off the expertise of the traders and their advanced computer algorithms and reap the rewards. So the existence of a training academy that teaches you how to do it yourself is a direct contradiction to the central message of this company. Cash FX is in fact registered as an educational company and this is most likely to be a way to avoid registration as a financial company. One of the marketing presentations I saw states that the educational academy is necessary for cash FX to become a legitimate company.

When you make a deposit to CashFX 30% of your money is diverted to the academy and you therefore have access to the training material whether you want it or not. Other information states that your 30% goes to the MLM incentive scheme. I’m not sure why there is this ambiguous messaging, I have no doubt that the 30% is in fact going to the MLM incentive scheme and the training Academy is some kind of formality that they require for the company registration. In all the very confusing information available on the Internet I never found anywhere anything promoting CashFX as a place to learn Forex trading.