Whats with Bitcoin?

Part of the process is setting up a bitcoin wallet, transferring your money to bitcoin, and then transferring the equivalent amount of money to the CFX bitcoin wallet. Once your account is active you will receive weekly payments directly to your bitcoin wallet. So why do they do this? Why do they not use regular banking?

At this stage I have not seen a justification from the company for the use of bitcoin. I can only assume that there are more other pressing concerns that people have that they are constantly asking about. The use of bitcoin appeals to some people because it is separate from government control and digital currency is seen as the future of money. I do know that using bitcoin means that all financial transactions will be much harder to trace. They will never be held to account for financial transactions that occur with bitcoin. So for me this is in direct contradiction to their statements that they offer transparency. If the company wanted to go out of its way to make its systems transparent then bitcoin is the last thing that it would use. Also the use of bitcoin makes it obvious that they have no intention at all of meeting the financial markets regulations of any of the countries that they operate in. It would be impossible to be compliant with financial market regulations by using bitcoin, so when you hear people say that CFX lawyers are working on compliance you can be pretty sure that that is not happening. If in fact this were a Ponzi scheme then using bitcoin or any other crypto currency would have to be part of the system as it makes hard to find financial evidence of any crime having occurred.