I have decided to publish what I have found when looking into the company Cash FX. I have put the effort in out of respect for people who I know who are promoting this company. When somebody who I know and respect offers me the opportunity to invest my money and earn 5% per week it is easy to dismiss it as simply too good to be true. However I have investigated what is actually going on with Cash FX and my conclusion is that there are only 2 possible options. If the company claims are true then this is the proverbial money tree and path to financial freedom in a few years. The only other possible conclusion that fits with the evidence I have found is that this is a Ponzi scheme masquerading as a legitimate investment company. If the 1st option is true then you are missing the opportunity of a lifetime if you don’t join, and if the 2nd option is true then by getting involved you are participating in and promoting a significant financial crime. If you are considering this then you had better make the right decision.